Talk Freelance To Me
Freelance gives women the flexibility and freedom to make money in a way that Corporate America just can’t. Join longtime freelance writer, journalist, and mom of three Ashley Cisneros Mejia as she interviews fellow women freelance writers and other freelance professionals about the business of freelancing. If you want to learn how to monetize your creative talents, make money on your own terms, and design a flexible life you love, this show is for you.
Talk Freelance To Me: A Podcast for Women Freelancers
Where Self-Employed Women Writers, Freelancers, and Solopreneurs Meet to Master the 1099 Contractor Lifestyle
Talk Freelance To Me
Maria Ferrer AKA Maria Bone on Turning Passion into a Powerhouse Brand
Over 700,000 fans follow her on social media, and this is your chance to get to know her personally! Turn up this episode as we get one-on-one time with mega music influencer Maria Ferrer AKA Your '90s Homegirl and Maria Bone!
In this episode, Maria, a vocal coach turned social media sensation, talks about reimagining social media and carving out a unique niche that resonates across generations. From viral TikTok fame to impactful collaborations with music legends, Maria's story is a masterclass in pursuing dreams and creating a brand that truly speaks to the heart.
Learn the secrets behind her success as an in-demand influencer and how she balances her thriving online business with motherhood. This episode is a treasure trove of motivation for anyone looking to blend creativity with practical business savvy, all while staying true to themselves. Tune in now and get ready to be inspired by the queen of '90s nostalgia herself!
About Our Guest
Maria Ferrer is a multi-hyphenate entrepreneur and content creator based in Los Angeles, Calif. She began her career as singer and songwriter. Later she transitioned into a professional vocal coach and artist developer. In 2021, Maria went viral on TikTok and other social media platforms under the handle @MariaFerrerCurves, for her nostalgia, comedy, and skit videos celebrating 1990s/ early 2000s R&B and hip hip music and culture.
She’s known as “Your 90s Homegirl” and, due to her lifelong passion for Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, “Maria Bone.” With over 700,000 followers across Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and other channels, Maria has established herself as the premier online personality bridging generations through music.
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The 90s Homegirl Podcast
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Ashley Mejia:Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the talk freelance me podcast. I'm your host, Ashley Santos mahiya. And I hope you're strapped in because it's a we are going on a journey and 90s journey with the one and only Maria for rare. Oh my goodness, I am so excited to share space with you, Maria, you are such a light I was telling you before we got on just your videos, the spiritual love and the kindness that you pour into us, your listeners on your podcast, you've just made an impact on my life. And I just know that people are going to be so excited to get to hear this with you.
Maria Ferrer:Yeah, definitely. And thank you girl. Like I said, I'll give you your flowers too because you're doing your thing. And I think what you're doing with your platform and everything that you're creating and the love and respect you give to other women and you know upholding other people I think is beautiful. So thank you so much for having me. Thank you. Thank
Ashley Mejia:you and so some people know you from your Richard videos and the zoo like we're doing now write some of them know you from your 90s nostalgia. I think one of the first videos I saw is when you were making a voicemail or talking about like how we used to do voicemails and we have the music on the boombox and bar the radio. If you know you know if you know you know people if you guys do not know if you've been Maria is a first of all a multi hyphenated businesswoman. Okay, some people may know her. She's got I checked before our interview 447,000 followers and Instagram, another 260,000 on Tik Tok plus YouTube, so many people follow you and they may know that part of you can you just give us your own introduction to the audience? Well,
Unknown:I'm Maria Ferreira, the one and only never lonely.
Ashley Mejia:Just in case you were wondering.
Unknown:But yeah, I mean, I'm a I guess the influencer, I don't usually use that word. But I just create content. I always say I'm a creator, you know, I do whatever feels right for me. And I've been making content, my videos for the past two years. I started in 2021. And it was kind of crazy. Because prior to that I had deleted my social media, like I was just kind of over it. I didn't have a following or anything at that time. But I was just trying to find my niche. You know, I was trying to find like, what am I good at? What am I trying to do here? And nothing really seems to be working. So once 2020 Hit the pandemic hit, I deleted my social media. And I was like, I don't really think it's for me, you know. And I think at the time, I had, like 2000 followers or something. And one of my good friends kept saying to me, like, but you're like, so fun, and like, you got a great personality and like, you're like, you should be posting like yourself. You're funny. And I was like, I don't think so. I mean, I really was not open to even doing social media. But then one day, I was just in the kitchen and cleaning and cooking and listening to my 90s jams. And I'm recording this and I literally like just started recording. And then I posted it and it went viral. And I was like okay, like I'm kind of finding my thing years. So it's crazy. So on top of doing my podcast, and you know, I just it's a lot of money. It makes me feel good. Knowing that there's space for everybody. You know, there's opportunity for everybody no matter what age background where you live. I mean, it's like what you've been through its you can always, you know, live a new dream. You know, you can always dream another new dream. So it's been great.
Ashley Mejia:I love that so much talk about I'm so glad you came back. I'm so glad you gave social media another chance. You know that crazy?
Unknown:Like I literally it is I was like no, like my friend was like you should post like, why don't you post like, how much you love 90s music like every time I hear 90s I'll think of you and I'm like, Don't nobody want to see that. Like, who would want to see that?
Ashley Mejia:Turns out a lot of people.
Unknown:And I remember she was just kind of putting it in my ear. Like you should get back out there, you know, post your stuff. And I was like, I don't know. And then one day I just was moved. And it's crazy how much my life has changed with the past two years that I'm like, if I would have never even just did that. I don't know what I'd be doing right now. I'm sure I'd be doing something. But you know, yes,
Ashley Mejia:no, this is incredible. So tell me about that moment where you went viral? Like how does that work? You just get a bunch of notifications that people love it. You want to hear? Yes,
Unknown:it was so funny. I didn't even know what it was happening when I was going viral because the video was going and I was like what's happening like, and whole bunch of people started following me and I'm like, Who are these people what they want from me none of these people and then I realized the videos are picking up like they're going viral and then was cool. It was like, I don't know, it just felt like magic. Really, it was just like, oh my gosh, like people are liking this content. And I think the main thing that I was loving was moms that were like, oh my god, this is so me, this was so funny. This was the last that I needed. Like, especially with everything going on in the world. And like I said, this was just coming out of the pandemic 2021. And it was like, why not bring some cheer to people, you know, I get messages all the time. Like, I'm sitting like, I remember a message I got that said, I'm in the hospital bed right now and watching your videos in tears crying, like laughing so hard. Like, I needed this, thank you so much, or, you know, I'm going through a really rough breakup, or divorce, whatever it may be, I feel like it's just that little little nugget of laughter and cheer to bring into somebody's day, you know, and I enjoyed doing it. And that's the thing for me is, I always want to make sure things feel right, I'd never want to do something that I feel like I'm forced to do, or that I don't feel like serves me. And so I have fun creating my content, you know, so it's fun.
Ashley Mejia:I love it. And so after you got that first couple of viral videos, like when did you decide, okay, I'm gonna commit to this, I'm gonna do more, I'm gonna, you know, do it on a regular basis. Like, you walk us through kind of that process where you realize, wait a minute, I could do something with this. Yeah, I
Unknown:think it was after like, a good thought, like a good 510 videos. And honestly, like, my creative juices, were just going and that's how I knew I was tapped into something. Because I feel like whenever you have that creative block that writer's block, you don't know you're unsure. It's time to kind of just be still, you know, and I feel like that's where I was initially, before I deleted social media was I was like, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. Like, should I do makeup videos, but I'm like, I'm not really like, you know, there's a ton of makeup people like, way better I don't I do plus size fashions should i What should I do. And I'll just kind of find something. And once I've kind of found my niche with like, it's I'm all about the music. You know, music is my life, literally. And so, you know, I could tell you who produced something, I could tell you what year it came out, I can tell you the background singers on the track, I can tell you everything. And so when I found that, and my creative juices were just flowing, I was constantly having ideas of new content. I was like, This is it for me, you know. And then more and more opportunities started coming in, and then even getting recognized in public is like, oh, that's like, I can't imagine that. It's one of those things where you're like to feel like it's only on the internet. But then like, meeting you in person like Maria bone. I'm like I am so
Ashley Mejia:I love you that that is so I can't even imagine that just walking in the grocery store. People wanted to hug you or you know, that's cool. It's
Unknown:so funny. The first time it like started happening. I was like, Oh, why is that person staring at me or whatever. But then I realized they like, oh my god, I love your videos, you know, so So now I'm just used to it, you know, it's like, and I always make sure to talk to him and take a photo or whatnot. But honestly, like, it feels like it happens really fast for me. But this is something I've been chasing like my whole life. You know, when I really think of it, it might have been like in a different avenue. But it was something that I've been wanting since I was a teenager. I mean, I've always been into music, I've always been wanting to do something in the music industry. And I just wasn't sure what that was. And I started teaching like music classes and vocal lessons. My company is called Clean vision entertainment. I've taken a kind of different direction with that now, but that's where I started. I knew like I came out to LA when I was 18 years old, you know, 38 now and it's like, I just knew I wanted to do something in music. I knew that there was something for me whether that was working with artists, vocal coaching or artists development, but that never really seemed to open either, you know, so it's like with this, I felt like just so many opportunities are happening without me forcing them. And that's how I know I'm doing the right thing. And I just say that because so many times we feel like once we hit hit a certain age we're over and done like I'm not 20 I'm not 25 I'm in my 30s I'm in my 40s It's too late like no it's not you can start over at 70 I mean you can find your thing you don't ever want to stop and that's what I'm learning is is to keep going you know to keep going for those dreams and dreaming a new dream and keep getting the life that you want to live you know what I mean?
Ashley Mejia:I love it so much and we were talking about doing this loving music. I think to me that's one of the things it comes across as very authentic content, like your passion for music. I think it's part of what makes your videos even better. Because you can tell and you've shared that you've shared that you have been a singer all your life that you saying you got like a deal you wrote a whole songs and then teaching people for years for like 15 years you've been coaching people and in teaching them how to sing that joy that appreciation like To me that's it's not As a music lover like you know your stuff, and I think that's it shines through. I love it so much. And when you were talking about dreams, one of my favorite pieces of content that you've ever shared with us has been in the last couple months when you finally met, Bone Thugs and harmony, all of them, and you were crying. And it was, I mean, you showed us the album that you have at your mom's house with all the pictures and things like that. Can you tell us about that moment? That full circle moment?
Unknown:Oh, my God. Okay, first of all, I have like, you can't see it, because it's on the camera, but at the big picture of us right here. I love it. And it's crazy, right? It's crazy how things manifest no matter how long it takes, like, I always knew I would meet them someday. I've been a big fan of their since I was a kid, you know, my older brother, he put me on to a lot of the 90s rap. And I remember I still remember when he showed me Bone Thugs, I was like 10 years old. And I just was obsessed. Like, I listened to the music all the time, I started collecting photos, you know, back then it was like magazines and stuff. And like, all their like magazines made a little bone folder. And I've just always loved them. And so that came across in my videos, because I would make videos with like, their music, you know. And then I started seeing them liking the content. And I remember the first time lazy bone and Bizzy bone lights. And one of my videos I cried so hard. I was like, Oh my God, oh, me, you know. And then it was just like, you know, they started following me and I'm like, Oh, my God, like that would be really cool to meet them someday. And I just put it out there. And I did one video where I was pretending to be bone in the studio. So it was like me, it was to the notorious thugs of busy bones bursts. And I'm like playing all the different people. And that video was super viral. And that's when they reached out like, Yo, like, you need to come to this concert, like a meet them and stuff and all five members, because a lot, you know, sometimes it's not all five of them. So I was like, oh my god, this is really happening. But the thing that I loved about it was, I met them exactly how I visualized it to be but not just as a fan. Like they knew me. You know what I'm saying? So that was kind of different too. Because it was like, it wasn't just Oh, I'm just a fan who won a contest. Like, like, you guys know me. I mean, you know, in the video lazy bones like I've seen you on Tik Tok I see. On Facebook, you see me? You know, and, and he was like, man, like, your stuff is great. Like, you'd be cracking me up like, so I just love that it was almost like my way of like, bringing them joy. Oh, that was really cool. And that was such a moment for me. I mean, I love I that was one of the most special moments for me, because it was like, I was like, 10 year old Maria bone is like, yeah. And it's crazy how all these years later, they're still relevant, and they're still out there doing their thing. They're all like, healthy alive, you know, out here still doing it. So there's no other group like them, you know, so I'm such a fan. And I always will be. I love it. I
Ashley Mejia:love it so much. And you have really been the bridge to introduce music that me and you grew up, you know, I'm 40. So I grew up in the same generation as you and even for these, you know, these Gen Z kids that have never heard of some of these artists. And I feel like after the Bone Thugs video, I feel like I started seeing you do more collaborations or with xscape and silicon fine. And just all these different artists. Can you talk about that? Like how that these collaboration? That's amazing. That was like,
Unknown:Oh my gosh, so going back to what you just said, like, I think that's what's really working for my content is that I am bridging that gap. Because the older generation, they're not really savvy on social media, you know what I'm saying? Like, they are like, tick tock, I don't know what that is whatever. But I'm like, Hey, I'm like kind of bringing you over here, you know, and then bringing this new audience to their music. So I feel like that's where my content comes in. But the first artists I did a collaboration with was silky fine. And she just was following me and I don't even know why I thought of it. But one day, I just literally was in the shower. And it's like, I should reach out to her and asked if she wants to like do a little video because I wanted to do something to her song. And she was like girl saying, wherever we met a little park and stuff. And we did the video and it was so funny. Like, as soon as we did the video, we did it in one take. As soon as the cameras that we both started crying like oh my god. She needed that I needed that, you know, like, I know what these artists go through. And I know how hard that industry is. And a lot of times you don't get your flowers. And so for somebody like me, I'm like I want to give all these artists their flowers, you know and she was the first one and then it just kind of kept going but the both as one was like the big thing and then it was like all these great artists that almost like oh my god escape genuine corrupts, like, you know, silk 112 Next, you know just so many and then even my At the freestyle artists like, giving them their felt flowers to like the Brenda K stars, and it's been really cool. And it goes back to what you said, like, that's genuinely me, like, Can nobody's copy that, you know, I've had a lot of kind of take some of my content and steal some of my ideas and stuff. But it's like, this is me. You know what I mean? And you find your thing, and you just kind of go with it. And it just works. You know what I mean? So, yeah, so the collaborations have been a lot of fun. They're they're really cool to bring people back because they always say, Oh, my God, I forgot all about this song, or Oh, I love that song. I just went downloaded it again. Thank you so much. So again, bridging that gap.
Ashley Mejia:So beautiful. I love it so much. Could be my other favorite. Is your video about going to New York, for LL Cool. J is for Rock the Bells. Can you tell us about that? That was really cool to see. Yeah. And
Unknown:you know, that just goes to show like, make your own opportunities. You know, like, just like, you reached out to me and just ask, like, again, I always say it's not what's the worst that can happen? But what's the best that can happen? What's the best outcome that can happen? And that's where my mentality is that Rock the Bells, you know, it's owned by LL Cool J. And they shared some of my videos before, like, they'll post they posted a bonus video, and almost like, you know what, why don't I just reach out and ask, like, can we collaborate on something? And I did, and they got back to me like, yes, we'd love to talk to you about a couple things coming up. And you'd be the perfect person for this. And they asked me to, you know, come to New York and get footage of the 50th Hip Hop anniversary for Rock the Bells. I had never been to New York before. That was always a dream of mine. So that was something manifested. And it was just amazing. I got to meet not only like the big artists, like you guys saw me with like, Method Man and like lol stuff, but also seeing like, the pioneers in like the DJ industry, like the DJ world that like people really don't know. But like, back in the 80s. Like the people who really put on, it was really amazing, like the Roxanne Shante MC Light like, yo, yo, like, these female rappers, you know, and it was such a great experience. I really was pinching myself the whole time. Like, I'm really out here. Like, I don't know, Taurus stuff, you know, like, Oh, really out here, like, with these artists that I adore, so that was huge. And again, calls mouths don't get fed, it was me just reaching out, like, Hey, we should do something, we'd love to see how we can collaborate on something got at them the correct way. You know, we were talking about that earlier, just the way to communicate the art of communication and really being professional when you reach out to people. And yeah, and it was great. So I'll always remember that. I feel like that was such a big thing for me this year. So
Ashley Mejia:amazing. It's been so cool for us who have followed you, you know, because some people maybe they just found out about you through these videos, or these collabs other people might have found you because of the Richard video or the voicemail video or your kitchen videos where you're cooking. I know so different people have seen you have been along at different parts of your journey. It's just a really cool for those of us who've been riding with you for a while to see this acceleration to see all of this like oh my goodness, like that. We get so much joy from it. And even reading the comments like I can see, you know, other people that are just like they're crying when they're seeing your Bone Thugs video, and they're losing their minds on Ehlo. Cool day two. It's amazing. It's such a cool thing. I love it. Yeah, it
Unknown:was funny. Like even yesterday, I took my son to go get like frozen yogurt. So we were just sitting there having frozen yogurt and this guy walks up. He's like, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to bother you. And he's like, I love your videos. And he's like when you met Bone Thugs. I felt like I met Bone Thugs. He was like, my wife is in the car right now freaking out. And I'm like, Oh my God. And he was like, you don't know. Like, that's so inspiring, you know? And I was like, Oh, that's so great. So and I love that it touches everybody. It's almost like I'm not trying to be inspirational or anything. You just are you just, you know, and sometimes I don't even like sometimes I'm just tunnel vision. I'm just, you know, got my head down and I'm just doing what I need to do. I'm not reading the comments. I'm not looking for the applause. I'm just being I'm just existing. I'm just doing what I know what feels true to me, You know what I'm saying? So, and the fact that it does inspire people, like, I saw this one Creator and I can't remember her name, but she was in her car sing into like a Mariah song. She sounded so beautiful. And I just hit you know, like, and I told her I was like, yes, you know, and she responded with a comment, like, oh my god, I'm freaking out. Like, you're the one that inspired me to post my videos, you know, and I was like, oh my god, like, That's so great. Like, and I just loved that. I loved that because she saw my videos, she felt like she could do that in her way as well. And like, that's what it's all about. That's the highest exchange, you know, to inspire somebody. So I love that. You
Ashley Mejia:can tell that I think that's part of your magic or like why? Because you're right. I've seen other people who are imitating you know, some of your your style your theme or they're trying to adjust does not hid the same way. And I feel like that authenticity, like your approach to even social media, like you touched on it that you are just, you focus on what you want to say when it comes down when you have the inspiration, and you're not really worried. You're not really looking for what the response will be. You're putting it out there because the inspiration strikes. And I feel like maybe, can you talk about that? Because I know you're a private person. It's interesting, because I feel like you have been able to create that intimacy or that friendship with us your audience and that we know about your son we know about your dog we know about your you know, mix may rest in peace, we know about all your what you've allowed us to see. But you also set your boundaries with social media, and I've never I haven't seen other influencers of your caliber, do that the way that you have. Can you talk about how you approach social media differently than maybe other people? Yeah, I
Unknown:mean, I think with social media, there is no privacy these days, you know, and it's an art, I mean, people put all their business out there, and they put all their mail in one way one day, and they post all their emotional things. I think for me, I've learned how to control my emotions, that's one part of it. So it's not well let me go and rants on Instagram about how I'm feeling today. Like I've learned to process things in a different way. And I feel like there's just some stuff, it's just not people's business, you know, what I mean? And I just feel like, this is what works for me, this is my brand, this is what I'm focusing on. So I don't need to show what I ate today, or where I'm going or. And, you know, what I see it happen with a lot of influencers, they'll post their relationship and how great their partner is. And then a week later, they're no longer with that person. And I just feel like, I believe evil is real, I believe people, you know, will watch you and really not support to, but they watch and everything that you do. So I'm like, I don't need to post on my business, you know, all the time. And I find it good to be just kind of low key, you know, and just post what I feel like posts and and share what I feel like sharing, but it's a balance, you know, and I think more and more people would find a little bit more be a little bit more centered, if they could just learn how to be a little bit more private in the way that they move and stuff. But as far as like how others may steal your content, or, or whatnot. Like it used to bother me in the beginning, like when I would see somebody completely copy my thing. And I'm like, wait a minute, but then I realized, like, that's Shortland you can take that you and no other idea. I'm gonna constantly be creating, you know what I'm saying? So, and I have to look at it as they were inspired by something they were inspired by, they thought they could do it too. And if they can great, you know, find your own niche and find your own lane or whatever. I mean, I want to see us all when at the end of the day, you know what I'm saying? But I think it just is that balance of like just having your own your own thing and your personal life personal and you don't have to share every aspect of your life, you know, because then you just open up the door to everyone have an opinion about every single thing you're doing. And then you question yourself, you got to know thyself, you know, no other person's influence, or opinion about something should influence the way that you feel about something, you know, so yeah, so it's a Journey Girl.
Ashley Mejia:Super cool. Super, super cool. So this podcast is a lot of the audience are mothers like us women, some of the women, you know, are caregivers. So maybe they don't have kids, but maybe they take care of their niece or nephew or an elderly loved one or a parent. And they're all about how to do business kind of your way, like how do you work for yourself? Can you talk about this brand that you created now, and how your business is structured? Now I know that you you have Queen vision entertainment, you're taking it a new level. Can you talk to us about some of those business? How you organize your business now?
Unknown:Yeah, well, I think definitely, I'm all about entrepreneurship. I think everybody and you know, some people might not be cut out for entrepreneurship. But I think in this day and age, everybody can have a little side hustle, everybody can have a little business that they're trying to, you know, a small business, especially in this economy and the way that things are working. When I started Queen vision of this was 1415 years ago, I had just got laid off from a job and that was my second time getting laid off in like a matter of a year. And I was like okay, this ain't it. Like I need to do something for me so that nobody can take that away from me. And I remember thinking like, well, what am I good at? What am I good at? And you know, this is a different time there was no social media like that. And I just remember thinking well, I love music and I know all about music and maybe I can start teaching some music lessons and vocal lessons and you know, artists development and stuff and I just put a Craigslist ad out and you know, I started getting a couple phone calls. I started reaching out to some people like hey, if you know anybody looking for some singing, listen to music lessons, like you know, reach out, and I built it from there. And even in that I was still looking for some other things like okay, well what else can I be doing? What else? What more can I be doing? And that's when the social media stuff hit. And I'm all about US, learning to grow, grow with it and, and be independent and think for yourself and not be afraid to try different things, you know, and get rid of the people who aren't supporting you. Like, I remember speaking to a friend and saying, like, I really want to start, you know, these videos are starting to go, maybe I should post more like, and she was like, Oh, well, I don't know, do you think that, you know, it's about like, weird, like, and I was like, alright, you know? You gotta go. Bye. Bye, girl. You know, but I was like, you know, I want to surround myself with the people who are like, yes, you know, you can do this. And I don't set limitations on myself. And I just feel like just making your own opportunity. Don't be afraid to ask, like, reach out, talk to some people. Like I know a lot of people who will just say, Oh, well, I'm trying to reach out, you know, I reached out once I didn't hear from them. And, you know, and it's like, No, dude, you gotta hustle. Like, be persistent, like, you know, reach out to these people, you you don't just send one email and give up. I mean, you got to reach out again, hey, circling back, but still love to, you know, whatever it might be. And then if it's like, it's not working out, then, you know, you move on to something else. But be persistent, you know, work hard and put in that work. And, like I said, just tunnel vision, tunnel vision. But again, I'm all about entrepreneurship. I think that this is the time more than ever, we have so many resources literally at our fingertips on our phones, that you can make podcasts, you could create content, you could sell things you can you know, there's there's so many avenues to it. So all about just thinking outside of the box.
Ashley Mejia:It's so cool. And I love you know, speaking of podcasts, you mentioned you can make a podcast, you can get your voice out there. Your podcast is incredible. It's one of my favorites. That actually is part of the reason I have a podcast. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah, absolutely. I would listen to your podcasts while wash dishes, I have three kids, I put them to bed, do bath time, all that stuff. And I would have it on the counter. And I'd wash dishes and get lunches ready and everything. And it was funny because my husband would walk by sometimes. And you know, and I love your podcasts because you just whatever's on your heart, whatever your download from the universe from God, that's what you speak about. And it always comes at the right time. And you just your delivery. It's just so common. It's like a friend. It's very warm. And my husband would be like, Who are you on speakerphone with or who you on the phone with? Like, it's like, he
Unknown:was like, Oh,
Ashley Mejia:I was like, Oh, it's a podcast. And I love that you listened to re listen to a couple of the earlier episodes. And I love that you were sharing about business you were sharing about business etiquette, you know, in addition to the, you know, the fun stuff like repelling the Dusties. And you know, all these purposes, fine. But you know, telling us about reminding us to step into our feminine that you know, it's okay to allow people to help you communication. I remember when you were talking about when you were starting the vocal coaching business how at the beginning, when you did it in your home, you still treated it. Like it was a Hollywood business, like you had preparation as your waters. I remember you were saying you had waters for your guests or your students. And the knowledge that you've imparted in the podcast has been so powerful. Can you talk about where you get the inspiration for these topics? Because you talk about a variety of things on the podcast? Yeah, you
Unknown:know, thank you for saying that. Because sometimes I'm not sure about the podcast, like I'm like, does anybody listen to this thing? You know, because it's totally different from content, like the videos. I mean, it's a totally different thing. And so I'm always like, does does anybody care about this, but the thing that's cool about the podcast is, it's one of those things that you once you put it out, it's just out like people will find it a year later, people will find that episode, six months down the road. It's like and they'll go, oh my god, I love the podcast. I'm like, oh, okay, so it's not like when you first post something, and you're waiting for it to like gain traction, you know, a podcast is like, it'll always just be there. But for me, I don't do very well with structured like, I don't want to feel like I have to be on my podcast every Monday at 10am. Like, I just don't work well with that. Because I feel like I'm not being authentic. Like, I want things to really come from a place where I'm like, This is all my heart. This is my mind. I'm gonna say because I have plenty of times gotten behind my microphone and go, No, I don't want Why did I delete like I don't want to. So it really just has to feel genuinely like this is something that somebody needs to hear. And it's just whatever's on my mind is whatever's on my heart. And I love when I get the messages of people saying that really resonated with me. And something that I do hear often is that they just like you said, they go back and listen to the old episodes or something else resonated after hearing it a second time. It's like reading a book like you read the book. Once you read it again, you take something else away from it. And so I appreciate that. But the podcast is great and and it's so easy. I think a lot of people can easily make a podcast and if you feel like you have something to say you know it's time to put something out there and get that going. The podcast is great. It's very people are always looking for something we're all always searching for some type of inspiration, whether you're going on YouTube to look up a recipe or a cleaning video or something like we're always looking for something, so why not be one of those people who created it and put it out there? You know? So, yeah, so the podcast is great. It's a great community. And, again, I just want to feel like it's coming from a genuine place and not like a forced topic, because I've heard podcasts like that. And I'm like, I'm checked now. So good,
Ashley Mejia:so good. Maria, I know so many women like us, who, you know, are busy moms, and we got to also generate income. What advice would you give to those ladies who are listening? Who are looking at how you've structured your life, you designed your life intentionally, where you have your business, and you're able to homeschool your son now? What can other women do when they're maybe trapped in this nine to five that's toxic, or that doesn't allow them flexibility that they need to show up the way they want to? As moms? Yeah, I think
Unknown:the main thing is to get clear on like, a goal, like really kind of think what is it that you would be and be honest with yourself, if you're thinking you know what, I would actually really be happy being a stay at home mom, and not having to work full time. Sometimes we can't even really say it out loud what it is that we really want. Like, we're kind of like, I'm not sure like, but no, like, really get clear on what it is that you want. And when I started homeschooling my son, it had been like a good two years that I was thinking like, Oh, I wish I had the flexibility to just be able to homeschool, and create this life that I really want. I don't want to be hustling and bustling, like, there's a days for that. But I put in a lot of work. You know, I've been doing that for 15 years that I'm like, I'm ready to rest now and kind of do the things that just really bring me joy. And you know, there's so many factors to it, you want to make sure that you don't just up and quit your job. I mean, you have to make sure that you have a plan intact, right? Because I've seen that happen to where, you know, somebody's so stressed from their job, but then quitting a job and have no income is a whole nother stress. So that's again, coming out with a plan writing things down, like write down your goals, write down the craziest thing that you can think of like write it down, like what you would really want and not the limitation to it, but like, what is it that you really want. And that's where I started really getting a clear vision for that. I was like, I want to do more of this, I want to do more of my, my content, I want to do this. And it's allowed my schedule to open up to do the things like homeschool my son and stuff. But it takes discipline, it takes diligence to make sure that you know what you're doing. But anything is possible.
Ashley Mejia:Thank you. Thank you so much, Maria, you are just a wealth of knowledge. I mean, you when you talk about being a creator, you are really a creator, because you have been creating music and songs and clothes and your business and videos. So what's next for Maria? For air? Is there a dream collaboration or a dream project that we can look forward to next from you? Oh,
Unknown:I don't want to speak on things like that.
Ashley Mejia:I know that's not your style. No, I'm
Unknown:all about just, uh, you know, I was just having this conversation the other day, where I was like, Okay, what's next, and I just wrote down all the things and I'm like, I want to do more of this, I want to do that, like, I'm having a really good time hosting, like, I just did some hosting for a couple of concerts. And that was great. I mean, when I was up there, I was like, This is it, this feels like home, I would love to continue to host and do things like that. And just keep building the brand, you know, keep building my empire and everything that I'm doing, I'm open to whatever the universe and God brings to me. And I just know that the energy that you put out there is the energy that you receive back, you know, so I try to keep myself on that high frequency and read on the things that don't serve me and that I feel like, you know, served its purpose. And I'm just going to continue elevating and to grow and inspire others and, and that's really what it's all about. love
Ashley Mejia:it so much. And you have you've inspired a whole literally hundreds and 1000s of people, you know from your home from your phone literally, like you've touched so many lives and it's so powerful to see. So if somebody who's listening again is under a rock and they are not following you. Where can people find you online to get more of your content? So
Unknown:yes, so you can follow me at Maria for rare curves on Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, and we'd love to have your support. So yeah, it's a lot of fun.
Ashley Mejia:Thank you so much Maria Bon Maria Ferreira.
Unknown:You are fantastic. And like I told you before the show, I said this to her off camera y'all but I let her know that this was like the first interview I even considered doing because I mean I get so many messages and the way that people get at you is so unprofessional and it's like a give me a little something more than just hey, you want to be on my on my podcast. It's like Introduce yourself like let me know a little bit something about you. What's your podcast about but Ashley got at me with such a beautiful email was so well written. I just was like, Oh my gosh, like, Finally somebody came correct, you know, and I just loved it. I thought you were doing something amazing. I love that you're using your platform. I love that you're uplifting, and inspiring women as well and people in general. So I just I think this was perfect, and I'm thankful for even being on your show. Thank you for having me.
Ashley Mejia:Thank you, Maria. I'm gonna have to print that out and put it on a t shirt. Yes. And with that, we've come to the end of another episode. Please make sure you hit subscribe if you haven't already done so. And give me a five star review on Apple. This will help out a lot and getting the word out about this brand new podcast. I invite you to check out the show notes and also grab my free niches get riches, freelance writing worksheet to brainstorm the best niches for your writing business. If you're not a writer, you can still use it to get business ideas. And until next time, this is actually a talk freelance to me. Don't forget, we all get this one precious life. Don't constrain yourself to a box that you were never meant to fit in. It is your right to profit from your own creative gifts. This podcast was created by Ashley Cisneros. mahiya our music was composed by Donna Raphael of world instrumentals talk freelance to me is a product of Phoenix creative studio